Weather App
A weather app that allows users to search for a city and get the current weather and a 3 day forecast. User can also save the favourite cities and this also allows for current location when the browser supports.
Weather App
A weather app that allows users to search for a city and get the current weather and a 3 day forecast. User can also save the favourite cities and this also allows for current location when the browser supports.
Frontend Mentor
A collection of challenges from Frontend Mentor to practice my skills. I'm using this as a way to learn new technologies and improve my frontend skills, I will be adding more projects as I complete them.
Pantry Node
A project migration from a EJS, Node, Express, MongoDB stack to a React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL stack. This is a pantry management app that allows admins to add, edit, and delete items, and donors from the food pantry. I worked on React with TypeScript, set up the dev environment, state management, page layout and CI/CD for frontend, I performed several code reviews and done pair programming with others.